- Title: The Keto-Ish CookBook: Plant-Based Soul Food
- Author: Dr Jasel D Martin
- Pages: 149
- Publisher (Publication Date): Dr. Jasel Martin Enterprises (Ent.) (November 27, 2020)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 9781735919003
- Download File Format:PDF
This cookbook is the first in a series of nutritionally balanced recipes that will help you maintain a healthy body composition. With over 94 recipes, this book has something for everyone.This book is not your typical “Keto” cookbook. In fact, many of the recipes in this book are not ketogenic at all as a keto diet is difficult to sustain over time for most people. These recipes are merely higher in protein and fat than similar recipes in the plant-based dietary eating pattern.This series focuses more on intertwining some ketogenic principles with intermittent fasting and healthy living.Combining intermittent fasting and a high-protein diet that has appropriately balanced macronutrients is a great way to lose and maintain weight. This cookbook was inspired by Dr. Martin’s clients who expressed a desire to eat culturally-relevant foods that were higher in protein but also plant-based.This book is the first in a series of cookbooks that are focused on making food fun while also providing numerous culinary options varying by diet type, food preferences, and protein requirements.As you know, Intermittent fasting (IF) is an umbrella term for several meal-timing schedules that involves cycling between voluntary fasting and feasting windows over a specific time. It’s all about restricting food intake to certain hours of the day. Intermittent fasting improves your blood sugar and it is great for weight loss. However, it’s vital you eat nutrient-rich foods during your feasting window for sustainable weight loss and maintenance.Protein is an important component of an intermittent fasting diet. Protein builds muscle, maintains muscle mass and increases metabolism. Asides reducing cravings during your fasting window, eating enough protein helps in preserving your muscles as they lose fat and protecting your immune system.It is essential to give your body with quality sources of macro- and macronutrients during your feasting. This means you need to look for quality protein sources—from high-protein legumes to well-sourced seafood, dairy or meats.These cookbooks, will in-turn provide you with balanced, healthy and delicious meals that will benefit you and your family.