Cookfulness by Ian Taverner [EPUB: 1913568792]

Cookfulness by Ian Taverner

  • Title: Cookfulness: A Therapeutic Approach To Cooking
  • Author: Ian Taverner
  • Pages: 154
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Clink Street Publishing; Illustrated edition (October 29, 2020)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1913568792
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Create Space For The Happy Stuff!

This cookbook is crammed full of new and innovative ways, hints and tips, designed specifically for people with chronic pain and mental health conditions, by me, a fellow sufferer.

It is all to help you WANT to cook, not have to!

Cooking really can be a therapy. Cooking really can ignite your passions. Cooking really is possible!

If you are having a bad day, I want to make it better. If you are having a better day, I want to make it good. If you are having a good day, I want to make it great. If you are having a great day, good on you!

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