- Title:Weight Watchers: Selected and 90 Most Delicious WW Smart Points Recipes to Lose Weight & Transform Your Body
- Author:Lisa Din
- Pages:103
- Publisher (Publication Date):September 7, 2020
- Language: English
- Download File Format:EPUB
Weight Watchers International Inc. is the most promising, effective, successful, and largest diet program specifically designed for weight loss. The company was initially formed by a woman named and has been growing globally for the past six decades. Smart Point is a numeric system that is based on counting in the Weight Watchers Program. It utilizes the principles of modern nutritional science and makes weight loss easier. It inclines you to have healthier and nutritious foods to ensure a sound, healthy, energetic lifestyle and of course weight loss. In this numeric system, every food is credited with a particular value which is based on four main things that include sugar, calories, protein, and saturated fat.