Delight Frozen Cake Recipes by Sophia Freeman [EPUB: B09P2WTRR3]

Delight Frozen Cake Recipes by Sophia Freeman [EPUB: B09P2WTRR3]

  • Title: Delight Frozen Cake Recipes: A Cookbook on Decadent Freezer Cakes
  • Author: Sophia Freeman
  • Pages: 118
  • Publisher (Publication Date): December 22, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B09P2WTRR3
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Frozen desserts can be ice cream, frozen yogurts, sorbets, sherbets, gelatos, frozen custards, and more.

But one that belongs to the most popular list in the frozen desserts category is the frozen cake. A frozen cake can be made with a base baked in the oven and layered with filling that requires freezing for a few hours. It can also refer to a no-bake cake with layers of ice cream, yogurt, or gelato on top of a crust, frozen until firm.

In this book, you’ll find not just a dozen delicious frozen cakes but 50 mouthwatering recipes that you can’t wait to try.

These frozen cakes will not only satiate your cravings for sweets but will also cool you off on a hot summer day!

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