Eat Well to Age Well by Beverley Jarvis [EPUB: 1781612005]

Eat Well to Age Well by Beverley Jarvis [EPUB: 1781612005]

  • Title: Eat Well to Age Well
  • Author: Beverley Jarvis
  • Pages: 224
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Hammersmith Books Limited (January 20, 2022)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1781612005
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Experienced cookery teacher and writer Beverley Jarvis has put together this book of 75+ delicious recipes to inspire her super-ager peers to eat well, with all the nutrients that are increasingly needed as we get older, and to cook whole-foods from scratch quickly and easily so that meals are enjoyable but never a chore. Her guiding principles, developed through her ongoing work with the organisation u3a (University of the Third Age), are: (mostly) no more than 35 minutes to prepare and cook; use short-cuts provided these don’t compromise nutritional quality; physical activity is good but use tips to make cooking less physically demanding; use fresh, health-enhancing ingredients. With most recipes being for two people this is the perfect book for empty-nesters and those who have recently retired. The book is completed with some dinner party recipes which take longer to prepare and cook, but are well worth the time when you have friends coming round.

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