- Title: Picture of Dorian Gray with Fun Food Art Ideas for Every Mealtime: Fun Food Art to Make Your Kids Eat
- Author: Ronny Emerson
- Pages: 72
- Publisher (Publication Date): January 23, 2022
- Language: English
- ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B09R1SP392
- Download File Format:EPUB
Having food art with vegetables on the Picture of Dorian Gray plot would have helped the narcissistic gentleman overcome some of his obsession; who knows? However, Dorian preferred having his sins on the portrait than his actual self. Some may dismiss this as mere vanity, but Dorian seemed selfish and helpless. Thankfully, he changed towards the end but paid dearly for his vain life. On the fun side, you will be reminiscing on the tales and times of Dorian and discover 30 fun food art ideas for every mealtime.