The Everything Macro Diet Meal Prep Cookbook by Lindsay Boyers [EPUB: 1507218133]

The Everything Macro Diet Meal Prep Cookbook by Lindsay Boyers [EPUB: 1507218133]

  • Title: The Everything Macro Diet Meal Prep Cookbook
  • Author:Lindsay Boyers
  • Pages: 272
  • Publisher (Publication Date): Everything (March 22, 2022)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1507218133
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Stop counting calories and transform your body in no time with these easy, make-ahead macro diet meals everyone will enjoy.

If you’re someone who wants to start making healthy choices and get in control of your diet, you’re not alone. The macro diet offers a specific number of proteins, carbs, and fats to stay under every day based on your goals. Rather than a strict calorie count, which can do more harm than good, this way of eating allows you to enjoy all of your favorite foods—as long as it’s within your macros.

All you need to be successful with this diet is organization and preparation and The Everything Macro Diet Meal Prep Cookbook is here to help. This customizable, sustainable, and most importantly, effective diet will help you reach your weight-loss goals by cooking and eating healthy meals all week long.

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