Vegetarian Instant Pot Cookbook by Theodore J Matela [PDF: B08NSQH9PL]

Vegetarian Instant Pot Cookbook by Theodore J Matela [PDF: B08NSQH9PL]

  • Title: Vegetarian Instant Pot Cookbook: 600 Easy and Delicious Recipes for Your Plant Based Life
  • Author: Theodore J Matela
  • Pages: 550
  • Publisher (Publication Date): ‎ November 17, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B08NSQH9PL
  • Download File Format:PDF

The Instant Pot is one appliance that functions as many. No matter what you have in mind, the Instant Pot can make it happen with just the touch of a couple buttons. Meals that once would have taken all day to prepare can now land on your table in a matter of minutes, without losing anything in terms of flavor or quality. Personally, I feel that this is even more important for vegan diets. The vegan lifestyle has a reputation of being repetitive, boring, and simply difficult to adhere to every day. Most vegans will stick to their diets, but will sacrifice variety and nutrition for the sake of not spending precious spare time in the kitchen. The Instant Pot helps to balance out our busy lifestyles with our desire to eat natural, healthy foods. This book was created to help you do just that. Not only do your hands hold an amazing collection of vegan recipes, they also hold practical advice for using your Instant Pot and loving your vegan lifestyle.This cookbook contains proven strategies to maximize the use of your instant pot for better vegetarian meals. These recipes will guide you through every step of the process to prepare perfect meals without making a fuss.

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