• Title: AIR FRYER BAKING PAN: More Than 150 Essential Air Fryer Baking Pan Recipes on Budget
  • Author: Patrick C. Cooper
  • Pages: 202
  • Publisher (Publication Date): November 17, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B08NTTXFGR
  • Download File Format:PDF

Do you love cooking and looking for a multi-function cooker that will suit your needs? If yes, then this book is right for you!

An Air Fryer is a useful kitchen appliance that helps you fry with less or even no oil at all. This kind of product applies Rapid Air technology, which offers a new way on how to fry with less oil. This new invention cooks food through the circulation of superheated air and generates 80% low-fat food. Although the food is fried with less oil, you don’t need to worry as the food processed by the Air Fryer still has the same taste as the food that is cooked using the deep-frying method.

This technology uses a superheated element, which radiates heat close to the food and an exhaust fan in its lid to circulate airflow. An Air Fryer ensures that the food processed is cooked completely. The exhaust fan located at the top of the cooking chamber helps the food to get the same heating temperature in every part in short time, resulting to a cooked food of best and healthy quality. Besides, cooking with an Air Fryer is also good for those that are busy and do not have enough time. For example, an Air Fryer only needs half a spoonful of oil and takes 10 minutes to serve a medium bowl of crispy French fries.

In addition to serving healthier food, an Air Fryer also provides some other benefits to you. Since an Air Fryer helps you fry using less oil or without oil at all for some kind of food, it automatically reduces the fat and cholesterol content in food.

This cookbook covers:

What is an Air Fryer?
How Does it Work?
Tips in Using the Air Fryer
Air Fryer Recipes
1000-Day Meal Plan

An air Fryer is really a simple innovative method of cooking. Grab it fast and enjoy cooking! Click “Buy Now” to know more about Air Fryer and discover delicious and healthy recipes suitable for your Air Fryer.

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