Anti-Inflammatory AIP Cookbook for Beginners by Chelsea Lye [EPUB: B09XZBZVHL]

Anti-Inflammatory AIP Cookbook for Beginners by Chelsea Lye [EPUB: B09XZBZVHL]

  • Title: Anti-Inflammatory AIP Cookbook for Beginners: 75 Recipes and a 2-week Plan to Jumpstart Your Health
  • Author: Chelsea Lye
  • Pages: 223
  • Publisher (Publication Date): ‎ Rockridge Press (May 3, 2022)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B09XZBZVHL
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Soothe inflammation and boost your health

The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) helps you take control of your autoimmune symptoms by removing foods that cause inflammation. This AIP cookbook makes starting and maintaining this diet easy, with straightforward guidance and soothing meals that put you on the path to healing.

Explore an AIP anti-inflammatory cookbook that includes:

An AIP overview—Learn the science behind why the AIP diet works, and find tips on eliminating and reintroducing foods.
A 2-week meal plan—Transition into this new way of eating with a detailed meal plan that walks you through exactly what to cook and eat for the first 14 days.
Simple, delicious recipes—Enjoy 75 AIP recipes that use familiar, easy-to-find ingredients and basic cooking methods, so you can create wholesome meals in no time.

Discover how easy it can be to experience the healing power of an anti-inflammatory diet.

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