Breakfast Recipes by Martha Stone [EPUB: B07L7RRT9C]

Breakfast Recipes by Martha Stone [EPUB: B07L7RRT9C]

  • Title: Breakfast Recipes: The Best of Wholegrain Breakfast Recipes
  • Author: Martha Stone
  • Pages:123
  • Publisher (Publication Date): ‎ December 8, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B07L7RRT9C
  • Download File Format:EPUB

How high do you uphold the essence of taking breakfast? Taking a breakfast can make a significant difference to your day, giving you the energy you need and helping you to remain focused at work. However, the meals you take in the morning must be healthy enough to deliver optimal health benefits. One breakfast meal that fits the description of a healthy meal is the wholegrain breakfast.

This book presents amazing wholegrain breakfast ideas. It is compiled to help you prepare 30 wholegrain breakfast meals that can be taken when you get to work or even on the go. Health experts advocate for daily intake of whole grains because they pack a punch in terms of essential nutrients and with our book your breakfast doesn’t get better than this.

If you are looking to start consuming whole grain breakfast meals, and don’t know where to start, worry no more. This book will help you put delicious breakfast meals on the table and wow your family with incredible kitchen skills with quick-cooking grains such as whole-wheat oats, faro, and quinoa. It will help you give your family the recommended daily values of multiple nutrients that are vital to good health.

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