- Title: Tuna Wonder: 30 Delicious Tuna Recipes for You
- Author: April Blomgren
- Pages: 82
- Publisher (Publication Date):CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 6, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: 1720844623
- Download File Format:EPUB
There are thousands of ways to use canned or fresh tuna fish, and all of them mark their own place among seafood dishes. Whether you make tuna sandwiches, or use the crunchy fish for pizza topping, make tuna slices into rolls or cook them in curries or rice, each of the tuna recipes in this book own a special taste and a mesmerizing texture.
Saving you from the toughest procedure of finding your desired recipes, we have gathered here the top tuna dishes which are made all across the world. Spice your meal up with the delicious and sizzling hot fried tuna served with rice or make the creamy tuna sandwiches for teatime now with much ease and less time.
We have put all the guidelines and detailed procedural steps used to make these mouthwatering recipes in this single book.