Dr. Sebi’s Alkaline and Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners 2022 by Frida Johnson [EPUB: B09XWXXN2Y]

Dr. Sebi's Alkaline and Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners 2022 by Frida Johnson [EPUB: B09XWXXN2Y]

  • Title: Dr. Sebi’s Alkaline and Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners 2022 : 28 Day-Meal Plan to Detox and Reduce Inflammation, 700+ Alkaline Recipes with Color Photos
  • Author: Frida Johnson
  • Pages: 591
  • Publisher (Publication Date): ‎ April 12, 2022
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10, ISBN-13 or ASIN: B09XWXXN2Y
  • Download File Format:EPUB

Would you like to lose weight quickly and in a healthy way without sacrificing taste?KEEP READING
Dr. Sebi’s Alkaline Diet consists of Dr. Sebi approved foods that help eliminate toxins from the blood by alkalizing it, but this is not enough to permanently relieve inflammatory symptoms. You have to eat the correct foods!

This guide will show you how to control your body’s pH with the foods you eat to help you lose weight. Following a pH balanced diet has numerous health benefits, including improved digestion, blood pressure, cardiovascular health, etc.

The alkaline vegetables, foods and supplements described in Dr. Sebi’s Nutrition Guide are the centerpiece of this new diet.
Inside you will find:
• The fundamental principles of Dr. Sebi’s diet.
• A detailed 28-day meal plan in which you will feel fit and purified.
• Alkaline food recipes breakfast
• Alkaline food recipes lunch
• Alkaline food recipes dinner
• Alkaline smoothies and juices
and much more

This cookbook includes proven recipes that produce significant results. It is for people who want to follow an alkaline diet that helps them manage conditions like acidity, heartburn, and acid reflux disease. It can also be used to aid weight loss.

Do you want to be in great shape, feel full of energy and lose weight without going hungry? Don’t waste any more time!

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